melvster: IE6 users with an IQ of around eighty. That's borderline deficient, marginally able to cope with the adult world
danbri: " DBpedia Spotlight performs named entity extraction, including entity detection and Name Resolution (a.k.a. disambiguation). It can also be used for building your solution for Named Entity Recognition, amongst other information extraction tasks."
danbri: Includes: "This dataset contains over 1.7 million bibliographic records from the British Library and Research Libraries UK. These records are currently only available as a bulk download only."
danbri: Anyone know how that compares to the various other BL datasets around lately?
danbri: "Cambridge University Library recgonises that its partner instituions have valid commerical interests in Marc21 provision and itself benefits greatly from such services. As such, we are only releasing Marc21 that we can claim total ownership of. Other data is being released as RDF only. We believe our RDF output is sufficently altered to make crosswalking it back to useful Marc21 next to impossible."
danbri: Anyone know how that compares to the various other BL datasets around lately?
danbri: "Cambridge University Library recgonises that its partner instituions have valid commerical interests in Marc21 provision and itself benefits greatly from such services. As such, we are only releasing Marc21 that we can claim total ownership of. Other data is being released as RDF only. We believe our RDF output is sufficently altered to make crosswalking it back to useful Marc21 next to impossible."