DanC_: note JSTOR's statement and statement by Demand Progress, tweeted by AaronSw
bijan: " Demand Progress executive director David Segal blasted the arrest. "It's like trying to put someone in jail for allegedly checking too many books out of the library,""
bijan: Well, yes, if you use fake names and multiple addresses to get extra library cards….which is wrong!
bijan: Or tries to not check them out but sneak them out.
bijan: (Not that I'm necessarily pro-prosecution, but c'mon! That analogy stinks.)
bijan: " Demand Progress executive director David Segal blasted the arrest. "It's like trying to put someone in jail for allegedly checking too many books out of the library,""
bijan: Well, yes, if you use fake names and multiple addresses to get extra library cards….which is wrong!
bijan: Or tries to not check them out but sneak them out.
bijan: (Not that I'm necessarily pro-prosecution, but c'mon! That analogy stinks.)
ww: danbri: asked... follow this thread :)
danbri: Extracts number of your choice from page of your choice, and plots it. Simple and nice idea...
ww: Some observations about the spending data on
danbri: Re " Maybe it is correct, but I am pretty sure it isn't. Without other data that this can be checked against, we just can't tell." ... can't you check with OKF side of things?
ww: danbri: maybe. OKF keeps threatening to publish their own accounts so hopefully we will be able to check from a public source soon
danbri: Re " Maybe it is correct, but I am pretty sure it isn't. Without other data that this can be checked against, we just can't tell." ... can't you check with OKF side of things?
ww: danbri: maybe. OKF keeps threatening to publish their own accounts so hopefully we will be able to check from a public source soon