Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

Welcome to the Semantic Web Interest Group scratchpad generated automatically from discussions on IRC at Freenode channel #swig 2001-2018 approx by the chump bot.

Nearby: IRC logs | semantic-web list | W3C Wiki (Recent changes) | delicious swigbot

last updated at 2011-05-24 22:59
melvster1: Including analysis of graphs
melvster1: Probabilistic Graphical Models
mischat: today ...
mischat: and hehe re: 2 mins in hehe
bblfish: 10 minute talk, contains 3 demos, detailed explanation of WebID, and future suggestions for web browsers
mischat: in HTML format
mischat: via balr0g ;)
melvster: "Perhaps out of best intentions they will try to change the architecture of the internet and how it operates"
ww: US Gov't: Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse
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