gromgull: from google contacts - quacks like vcard, but isn't
danbri: The original on wikipedia was deleted in 2008....
MacTed: when was the original deleted (creation date doesn't matter)
danbri: So it's double-deleted ;)
danbri: The dbpedia entry sameAs links to freebase (Obama's page; it was a Steven Colbert joke)
MacTed: I suggest asking this question on the dbpedia-discussion list --
MacTed: when was the original deleted (creation date doesn't matter)
danbri: So it's double-deleted ;)
danbri: The dbpedia entry sameAs links to freebase (Obama's page; it was a Steven Colbert joke)
MacTed: I suggest asking this question on the dbpedia-discussion list --
danbri: Things get tangly quickly :)
bendiken: A good tutorial on using Ruby, RDF.rb, and Spira to process RDF data from the British Ordnance Survey:
rszeno: S-Match is a semantic matching framework, which provides several semantic matching algorithms and facilities for developing new ones.
danbri: Ah, it's (a) fully booked (b) today. did anyone go? :)
CaptSolo: will there be any information from the event (blog reports, recordings) available online?