webr3: stick in URI of an RDFa document and it tells you what needs added to make a rich snippet, also shows you that google "understands"-ish the data
webr3: example: http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets?url=http://sw-app.org/mic.xhtml
webr3: "If this markup is about a person, at least 2 of the following fields are needed: organization, location, or role." (to get a rich snippet)
webr3: example: http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets?url=http://sw-app.org/mic.xhtml
webr3: "If this markup is about a person, at least 2 of the following fields are needed: organization, location, or role." (to get a rich snippet)
webr3: seeAlso http://www.heppresearch.com/gr4google and http://www.mail-archive.com/public-lod@w3.org/msg06645.html
ww: for MacTed
MacTed: thanks, ww!
MacTed: I hope this will encourage many more paper-authors to produce multiple final Web-friendly output formats! PDF just isn't one....
MacTed: thanks, ww!
MacTed: I hope this will encourage many more paper-authors to produce multiple final Web-friendly output formats! PDF just isn't one....
cygri: Google's Subscribed Links feature allows searching prefix.cc directly from the Google search box
cygri: Search for “foaf”, get a prominent special result from prefix.cc
cygri: Search for “foaf”, get a prominent special result from prefix.cc
danbri: Family tree stuff
danbri: I think from Jan Grant, part of the rdf test cases repo
dajobe: great to hear
danbri: I didn't mention RDFa 1.1; can anyone flesh out how things change there?