ww: 666 triples bwahahaha
mhausenblas: see also http://www.odata.org/mailing-list as an entry point
mhausenblas: please let us know what you think!
ww: sameAs finger://river.styx.org/ww
danbri: Back to school...
How to recommend music to film buffs: Enabling the provision of recommendations from multiple domains.
ww: As observed by corscheck
mhausenblas: help creating a more open world :)
mhausenblas: of CORS, enable-cors.org is also CORS-enabled ;)
mhausenblas: and we also serve machines not only humans - http://any23.org/rdfxml/http://enable-cors.org/
mhausenblas: of CORS, enable-cors.org is also CORS-enabled ;)
mhausenblas: and we also serve machines not only humans - http://any23.org/rdfxml/http://enable-cors.org/
danbri: "The LDSpider project aims to build a web crawling framework for the linked data web. Requirements and challenges for crawling the linked data web are different from regular web crawling, thus this projects offer a web crawler adapted to traverse and harvest sources and instances from the linked data web."