nap: FluidDB is a platform for the web of things
danbri: I'm not sure why, but this 10 year old demo page has just got translated into Belorussian
danbri: Shame the xslt service form isn't working...
danbri: Shame the xslt service form isn't working...
kennyluck: Any lod folk going?
danbri: by Martin Belam
danbri: "...HTML5 adds nearly thirty new tags to the language. Geeks, technologists and Apple are most excited about <canvas> and <video>, which promise to replace a lot of the functionality provided by browser plugins like Flash. As a journalist, though, you are much more likely to encounter some of the new tags which provide additional semantic mark-up to articles."
danbri: "...HTML5 adds nearly thirty new tags to the language. Geeks, technologists and Apple are most excited about <canvas> and <video>, which promise to replace a lot of the functionality provided by browser plugins like Flash. As a journalist, though, you are much more likely to encounter some of the new tags which provide additional semantic mark-up to articles."