dosa_: using CSS as faceted filterer
danbri: Not very semwebby, but hey
dajobe: cue an essay on use of bogus infographics
dajobe: given video is orders of magnitude larger per-item, than an email for example
dajobe: "IRC declares wired dumb"
kasei: I love that telnet makes an appearance early on in the chart, visable through ~1998(!).
danbri: A lot of folk telnetted somewhere to run Lynx web browser...
dajobe: and now they ssh to run bittorrent
dajobe: given video is orders of magnitude larger per-item, than an email for example
dajobe: "IRC declares wired dumb"
kasei: I love that telnet makes an appearance early on in the chart, visable through ~1998(!).
danbri: A lot of folk telnetted somewhere to run Lynx web browser...
dajobe: and now they ssh to run bittorrent
dajobe: about 9 months of refactoring
dajobe: also moved to GIT on github
dajobe: also moved to GIT on github