warm: Poyozo JS stuff
warm: patent at http://www.google.com/patents?vid=USPAT7502770
melvster: mentions the GGG
libby: “Whoah… what’s going to happen to Freebase?” you might ask. Well, we’re also extremely pleased to be able to say “nothing”…. or rather, nothing other than getting better, and yes, even more open. As a first step toward that last point, we’re also happy to announce today that we have increased the frequency of our downloadable database dumps from quarterly to weekly."
MacTed: data just crying out to become linked...
karlcow: "Using semantic Web technologies, Tattler mines news, websites, blogs, multimedia sites, and other social media like Twitter, to find mentions of the issues most relevant to a journalist, researcher, advocate or communications professional. "
karlcow: according to this article http://www.agileapproach.com/blog-entry/today-we-release-tattler-what-is-it it seems to be using the OpenCalais API
karlcow: according to this article http://www.agileapproach.com/blog-entry/today-we-release-tattler-what-is-it it seems to be using the OpenCalais API
melvster: Nice!