presbrey: infoboxes are nice but so are section-contextualized lists...
danbri: "... Spend just a few days in this bizarre world of disinformation and it is hard to understand how the audience could not come to the conclusion that anthropogenic climate change is a hoax."
danbri: "...And if it is a hoax, the next obvious conclusion is that climate scientists must be either stupid or in it for the money. "
danbri: " Deconstructing all this spurious guff, one myth at a time, means checking it back to its source, finding the errors, and then pitting it against proper research studies. "
danbri: " No need for condescention, insult, or appeals to emotion."
danbri: "...And if it is a hoax, the next obvious conclusion is that climate scientists must be either stupid or in it for the money. "
danbri: " Deconstructing all this spurious guff, one myth at a time, means checking it back to its source, finding the errors, and then pitting it against proper research studies. "
danbri: " No need for condescention, insult, or appeals to emotion."
melvster: Facebook experimented with FOAF!
karlcow: crossroads (what to do)
webr3: via ian davis, fit's in with a convo from last week on swig about licenses - compare cc-0