webr3: seeAlso http://dig.csail.mit.edu/breadcrumbs/node/72 "Backward and Forward links in RDF just as important"
webr3: "One day, you may be interested in following the link one way, another day, or somene else, the other way."
webr3: I'm increasingly thinking that the combined context of the data in a graph and the context under which that graph is being queried, specifies or infers in which direction you want to be reading, and directionality can be determined with linked-data by dereferencing whichever uri you place on the left / in the subject position
webr3: "One day, you may be interested in following the link one way, another day, or somene else, the other way."
webr3: I'm increasingly thinking that the combined context of the data in a graph and the context under which that graph is being queried, specifies or infers in which direction you want to be reading, and directionality can be determined with linked-data by dereferencing whichever uri you place on the left / in the subject position
webr3: also REST related, see last sentence of here http://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/evaluation.htm#sec_6_3_4_2
webr3: general "to be confirmed" does RDF (not RDFa) class as REST friendly hypertext/hypermedia given the strong link relation semantics