melvster: Ivan Herman on rdfa 1.1 drafts
melvster: Examples using @vocab and profile documents
melvster: Examples using @vocab and profile documents
mischat: | F8, Chirp and the increasing importance of the semantic web
mischat: relates to D:
mischat: relates to D:
danbri: "AWS in Education provides a set of programs that enable the worldwide academic community to easily leverage the benefits of Amazon Web Services for teaching and research."
danbri: Might come in handy?
danbri: Might come in handy?
mischat: apparently at f8, facebook announced use of rdfa
tobyink1: RDFa 1.1 to N-Triples converter -
tobyink1: RDFa 1.1 to RDF/XML converter -
tobyink1: Above converters support RDFa Core (i.e. in arbitrary XML), RDFa+XHTML, RDFa+HTML, SVG, Atom, etc.
tobyink1: RDFa 1.1 to RDF/XML converter -
tobyink1: Above converters support RDFa Core (i.e. in arbitrary XML), RDFa+XHTML, RDFa+HTML, SVG, Atom, etc.
yvesr: i wonder why the object of og:type is a literal - and why they're not reusing rdf:type