mischat: Semantic Application Middleware
melvster: sparqlpush
melvster: looks awesome
melvster: looks awesome
SAPPHIRE -- The Situational Awareness and Preparedness for Public Health Incidents using Reasoning Engines (SAPPHIRE)
mischat: Some texas based uni doing ontology driven emergency response stuff
melvster: Time for an open database of places?
Shepard: It's called GeoNames. Or OpenStreetMap depending on the trade-off between comprehensiveness/detail and quality/stability you need.
danbri: I think they're after info about the businesses too (opening hours etc) not just the raw geo stuff.
danbri: (the Web itself is the open database of places, if we do this right...)
Shepard: It's called GeoNames. Or OpenStreetMap depending on the trade-off between comprehensiveness/detail and quality/stability you need.
danbri: I think they're after info about the businesses too (opening hours etc) not just the raw geo stuff.
danbri: (the Web itself is the open database of places, if we do this right...)