Wikier: a vocabulary to formalize preferences in the Semantic Web
mischat: "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place," Schmidt tells CNBC...
tobyink: "As always, Schmidt's holier-than-thou attitude is wonderfully amusing. Except that it's not."
tobyink: "As always, Schmidt's holier-than-thou attitude is wonderfully amusing. Except that it's not."
Wikier: aka MUO
Wikier: seeAlso
Wikier: seeAlso
mhausenblas: 'hypermedia as the engine of application state' - well, use RDFa - thoughts anyone?
mikekelly: Link headers. -_-
mikekelly: Link headers. -_-
melvster: Google Fusion Tables
melvster: an extension of Google's existing structured data capabilities for developers
melvster: an extension of Google's existing structured data capabilities for developers
Anchakor: hope you won't forget to update this part: