Shepard: "Jetpack is an API for allowing you to write Firefox add-ons using the web technologies you already know."
Shepard: See also the blog post about it
Shepard: See also the blog post about it
kidehen: github project with all the xslt's used in our sponger cartridges
kidehen: naturally these should also usable by GRDDL processors
kidehen: |Virtuoso Sponger Cartridge XSLT components
kidehen: naturally these should also usable by GRDDL processors
kidehen: |Virtuoso Sponger Cartridge XSLT components
PovAddict: kwijibo's breaking the system
mhausenblas: in case you're overworked
tobyink: Talks about RSS 1.0 being designed too small. Taking modularisation too far. (Case in point: you need to use dc:date.)
tommorris: (Now that Nokogiri, the libxml-based XML/HTML parsing library, works with the bleeding-edge version of JRuby using FFI, one could write a nokogiri-based RDF/XML - or RDFa, eRDF, microformats, bla bla bla - and have it work on both JRuby and MRI. Then one can write fun little SemWebby hacks in JRuby, hack at them in the jirb shell and compile 'em into .class files.)
tommorris: I'm hoping to write a tutorial on writing lightweight scutters soon using JRuby, Nokogiri, Mulgara and possibly Jena/ARQ.