Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

Welcome to the Semantic Web Interest Group scratchpad generated automatically from discussions on IRC at Freenode channel #swig 2001-2018 approx by the chump bot.

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last updated at 2009-05-19 20:35
LeeF: Summary of SPARQL WG first face-to-face meeting
LeeF: Decided features include aggregates, subqueries, update, projected expressions, negation, and service description
LeeF: Time-permitting features include SPARQL/OWL semantics, basic federated query, property paths, and core functions & surface syntax
danbri: Am a bit suprised to see federated query on this list, but hey, go for it! :)
dajobe: I hope "time-permitting" means you only get to start those features IF the decided features are completed
mhausenblas: by David Booth - worth investing the time. very nice read.
mhausenblas: Hu? YAEMF (yet another embedded metadata format proposal)
mhausenblas: I think we have already some choices; please, let's stick with that, don't come up with new proposals ;)
mhausenblas: /me wondering who wrote that. /me likes to understand who states what. unsigned posts don't help there
tobyink: The :Language, :ProgrammingLanguage and :DataLanguage classes are perhaps badly named. They represent the class of all things written in a language. So :RDF is not a :DataLanguage, but rather :RDF is a subclass of :DataLanguage.
melvster_: Web Access Control demo and source code
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