melvster: encourage semantic technologies at
timbl_: Yes, do.
timbl_: The National Dialog
timbl_: Yes, do.
timbl_: The National Dialog
melvster: google graphs public data
Shepard: Web 1.0 is back!
yvesr: Including links to BBC Music, and from there to DBpedia, etc.
yvesr: I suppose that can make a new arrow in the LOD diagram :-)
yvesr: I suppose that can make a new arrow in the LOD diagram :-)
timbl_: Flip Kromer, ("Welcome to Infochimps! We are the largest public repository of free datasets on the Web.")
timbl_: Sigh ... "Universal: Stop parsing flat files. As infochimps like you help to convert and import well-structured files, we can bundle and serve them in universal formats like XML, YAML, JSON, and Excel- or SQL-ready CSV. "
timbl_: Wot no RDF?