DanC: runs floss.pro
DanC: I'm definitely into free and open source software, but I'm even more into web architecture...
DanC: any volunteers to help me set up ublog.w3.org or the like?
DanC: I'm definitely into free and open source software, but I'm even more into web architecture...
DanC: any volunteers to help me set up ublog.w3.org or the like?
CaptSolo: from archive.org as the page does not exist any more
CaptSolo: see Photo metadata: the co-depiction experiment for more information
CaptSolo: see Photo metadata: the co-depiction experiment for more information
danbri: From 10,000 years BC
danbri: "That it should be possible to identify particulars of a given type seems a necessary condition of the inclusion of that type in our ontology."
danbri: "For what could we mean by claiming to acknowledge the existence of a class of particular things and to talk to each other about members of this class, if we qualified the claim by adding that it was in principle impossible for any one of us to make any of us understand which member, or members, of this class he was at any time talking about?"
danbri: ...
danbri: "That it should be possible to identify particulars of a given type seems a necessary condition of the inclusion of that type in our ontology."
danbri: "For what could we mean by claiming to acknowledge the existence of a class of particular things and to talk to each other about members of this class, if we qualified the claim by adding that it was in principle impossible for any one of us to make any of us understand which member, or members, of this class he was at any time talking about?"
danbri: ...
PovAddict: example of a Java web framework that, like most, doesn't care about URIs
tobyink: Takes a mbox file containing messages from a mailing list and makes RDF out of them.
tobyink: Uses RSS + Dublin Core + SIOC.
tobyink: Is anything but finished. Interesting areas for improvement on lines 13 and 123 in particular. Drop me an e-mail if anyone wants SVN access to develop it further.
tobyink: Uses RSS + Dublin Core + SIOC.
tobyink: Is anything but finished. Interesting areas for improvement on lines 13 and 123 in particular. Drop me an e-mail if anyone wants SVN access to develop it further.
tobyink: How should the edge labelled '???' really be labelled? People have suggested foaf:accountHomePage, but that's not in the spec yet.
CaptSolo: if you have ideas and wishes for how SIOC can be improved (or just wild ideas re. its use, applications, ...) please write about them
CaptSolo: you can see a list of ideas contributed at: http://wiki.sioc-project.org/w/WishList
CaptSolo: you can see a list of ideas contributed at: http://wiki.sioc-project.org/w/WishList