Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

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last updated at 2009-02-04 23:22
tommorris: The bigwigs, pop philosophers and Bono-esque types are being showered with dbpedia, linked data, RDF love.
mhausenblas: ... and uses RDFa (see source code ;)
tommorris: Another thing I love about the semweb: even if we don't get the ability to friend people on Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and Flickr all at the same time, we make it easier for researchers to cure deadly diseases. High-five. The Web is so cool.
tommorris: timbl said on twitter: "Don't hug your database. Make the raw available first. Then build a website" src, "Social-networking sites collect data and then build walls and silos." src
tommorris: "GIVE US RAW DATA NOW" src , "I asked you to put your documents on the web. And you did. Thanks! Now, I want you to put your data on the web." src src
tommorris: timbl: "Most people didn't get the relevance of hypertext in the first place. It was a grass-root movement" src
tommorris: and timbl's talk gets written up on get ready for digg invasion, swigsters!
tommorris: Lets you send a POST and get back JSON listing a lot of metadata about NYT articles.
tommorris: Could be signs of something very good - imagine if the New York Times were to join the web of Linked Data, pointing from articles out to all sorts of distributed resources. The amount of information stored up inside an institution like the New York Times would be really interesting if it were linked together with other data on the Web.
tommorris: A search API isn't tremendously interesting, but it is interesting to see someone like the NYT do this, rather than just Web 2.0 sites and hosts of user-contributed material publishing this kind of data.
mhausenblas: '... a prototype for distributed query answering across disconnected RDF data sources (or relational databases or web services) ...
mhausenblas: [...] There is a touch point with the linked data effort, which meant that the new voiD vocabulary for describing datasets turns out to be very useful for describing the distributed data sources that we query over, including their interrelations.'
tobyink: source code under GPLv3
tobyink: This URI represents a triple store / graph / call it what you will.
tobyink: Using HTTP "Accept" header, it can be delivered as text/plain (N-Triples), application/turtle or application/rdf+xml.
tobyink: Using HTTP POST, you can add data in any of the same formats. Just include it as POST data with appropriate content-type header.
tobyink: No security checks (yet).
tobyink: Initial sketch from December 2008.
tobyink: PS - if this protocol takes off, I want to call it "Inav the Terrible" (sic) because of the URI a shortening service just gave me
tobyink: Future information on this idea will be available from
mhausenblas: XHTML 1.2 - Meaningful, Accessible XHTML
tobyink: XHTML 1.1 plus RDFa, ARIA and @role.
tobyink: See also my attempt at HTML 4 plus RDFa, ARIA and @role.
mhausenblas: 'RDFa - Yes, the syntax is complicated at first. But the next phase of the web is symantic, and microformats, though convenient, are only a stopgap issue, and RDFa will be a powerful way to express relationships for computers.'
mhausenblas: 'What really irks me is that HTML5 won’t support RDFa because Ian Hickson opposes them, and he functions as the sole gatekeeper to the standard.'
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