Shepard: "The group has been active in promoting the reinstatement of the HTTP Link Header and in the discussion surrounding the registration of relationship types. The relevant Internet Draft is very likely to reach RFC status during the first half of 2009 - shortly after the anticipated time when POWDER will become a Recommendation."
DanC: 15-16 January 2009, Barcelona
DanC: Henry Story's blog item
DanC: see also libby's summary of the papers
libby: henry's notes on papers in delicious
DanC: Henry Story's blog item
DanC: see also libby's summary of the papers
libby: henry's notes on papers in delicious Mail Archives (coming out of the workshop on the future of social networking #w3csn)
bblfish: a blog resume of what I took back from reading most of the 75 papers for the workshop