kidehen: Interview covering DBpedia, UMBEL, and some Freebase
kidehen: DBpedia with Freebase, OpenCyc, and UMBEL linkage will be essence of DBpedia 3.2
kidehen: DBpedia 3.2 should be live in the later today or sometime tomorrow :-)
kidehen: DBpedia with Freebase, OpenCyc, and UMBEL linkage will be essence of DBpedia 3.2
kidehen: DBpedia 3.2 should be live in the later today or sometime tomorrow :-)
timbl: Add ones you know of
bengee: single-namespace, covers xfn, rel-tag, rel-nofollow, rel-directory, rel-license, hcard, hcalendar, hatom, hreview, xfolk, hresume, address, and geolocation
bengee: auto-generated from poshRDF definitions, possibly not 100% correct
bengee: auto-generated from poshRDF definitions, possibly not 100% correct
mhausenblas: discusses ideas how to take the wonderful work of a step further
mhausenblas: re interlinking social data (FOAF), discussions (SIOC) and multimedia stuff (conference photos, etc.) with talks and publications
mhausenblas: please, ALL, feel free to contribute, add own ideas or propose apps that make use out of the linked data (imagine we have all of this, already ;)
mhausenblas: re interlinking social data (FOAF), discussions (SIOC) and multimedia stuff (conference photos, etc.) with talks and publications
mhausenblas: please, ALL, feel free to contribute, add own ideas or propose apps that make use out of the linked data (imagine we have all of this, already ;)