kennyluck: This is a simple step by step on how to set up a SPARQL Update server
kennyluck: There are other implementations of SPARQL Update server, for example, ARC
kennyluck: There are other implementations of SPARQL Update server, for example, ARC
kidehen: Deconstructing Virtuoso components from the perspective of custom assembly for re-distribution etc..
kidehen: Virtuoso component size is inversely related to its functionality :-)
kidehen: A common misconception is that Virtuoso must be a behemoth of a package just based on functionality scope.
kjetilkWork: You can really prove that assertion by providing modular Debian binary packages :-)
kidehen: Virtuoso component size is inversely related to its functionality :-)
kidehen: A common misconception is that Virtuoso must be a behemoth of a package just based on functionality scope.
kjetilkWork: You can really prove that assertion by providing modular Debian binary packages :-)
timbl: Conneg doesn't prefer RDF so tabulator gets the HTML when you follow the links
timbl: Eg
timbl: Eg
timbl: |RDF data from FreeBase
timbl: E.g. Bladerunner
timbl: Predicate labels are a little stilted -- "Is award.award nomination.nominated for of" - but you get the gist.
ldodds: During Q&A after iswc keynote John Giannandrea said that they were planning to link out to other datasets. They have the keys, e.g. to imdb internally
timbl: E.g. in Bladerunner, see values for wikipedia, netflix, cityspeak, and freebase itself (?) butno owl:sameAs links (yet?)
timbl: Would be nice if were declared a subProperty of rdfs:label
timbl: A great start
timbl: E.g. Bladerunner
timbl: Predicate labels are a little stilted -- "Is award.award nomination.nominated for of" - but you get the gist.
ldodds: During Q&A after iswc keynote John Giannandrea said that they were planning to link out to other datasets. They have the keys, e.g. to imdb internally
timbl: E.g. in Bladerunner, see values for wikipedia, netflix, cityspeak, and freebase itself (?) butno owl:sameAs links (yet?)
timbl: Would be nice if were declared a subProperty of rdfs:label
timbl: A great start