very nice article on Drupal the semantic web and search (with a Yahoo Search monkey video to make the point)
danja: now delegated - first volunteer is burningbirg
bblfish: has anyone developed ontologies that cover X509?
bblfish: there is wot:
bblfish: but it is quite specific to PGP, GPG
bblfish: there is wot:
bblfish: but it is quite specific to PGP, GPG
earle: "[N]ow that the “Semantic Web,” or “Web 3.0,” or the “Linked Data Web,” or the “Web of Really, That's How to Query Over an rdf:Bag?” or whatever they're calling it, is viable enough that you can't shrug off legal worries—now that the Semantic Web is no longer just a research project, if someone owns the taxonomy you're using and changes it up on you, what rights do you have in the matter?"