Shepard: Discussion of the Web services by Uche Ogbuji, including the Linked Data one
danbri: Funnily enough, I find I'm working on this again (mapping classification schemes in rdf/sparql/skos/etc).
danbri: Some problems never go away?
danbri: "For the purpose of this demonstration, concepts from these vocabularies were assigned URIs in two RDF/XML namespaces: and "
danbri: I'm very happy btw to see finally the 'real things' emerging, ie. proper publication of thesaurus and classification system in SKOS...
danbri: Some problems never go away?
danbri: "For the purpose of this demonstration, concepts from these vocabularies were assigned URIs in two RDF/XML namespaces: and "
danbri: I'm very happy btw to see finally the 'real things' emerging, ie. proper publication of thesaurus and classification system in SKOS...
ldodds: discussion of implementation of Freebase tuple store
danja_: "Open to any contributors"