earle: Launchpad.net code hosting RDF for a project
earle: unfortunately most of the properties they use don't have schema to back them up and are largely duplications of DOAP
earle: unfortunately most of the properties they use don't have schema to back them up and are largely duplications of DOAP
danbri: I voted 'C'; vote by interested parties.
danbri: Supporters of dataportability.org goals are apparently all invited to participate in this vote via the email group...
danbri: Supporters of dataportability.org goals are apparently all invited to participate in this vote via the email group...
danbri: Anyone tried it?
danbri: Try it with:
danbri: svn checkout http://ruby-rdfa.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ ruby-rdfa-read-only
danbri: ruby -I lib/ -r rdfa test/test_1.rb
danbri: Hmm it might need some update:
danbri: # Warning: invalid curie value: foaf:openid (when run on danbri.org.
danbri: Ok I've written to the author Benjamin Yu...
danbri: Try it with:
danbri: svn checkout http://ruby-rdfa.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ ruby-rdfa-read-only
danbri: ruby -I lib/ -r rdfa test/test_1.rb
danbri: Hmm it might need some update:
danbri: # Warning: invalid curie value: foaf:openid (when run on danbri.org.
danbri: Ok I've written to the author Benjamin Yu...
Shepard: Some press coverage: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-9984909-93.html and http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/07/08/google-launches-virtual-world-called-lively/