FabGandon: by Nigel Shadbolt, University of Southampton
kjetilkWork: POWDER: Grouping of resources
andersfeder: is there a standard term for the 'verbosity' of a graph expression? e.g. i could say "cats A through C are grey" or i could say "cat A is grey, cat B is grey, cat C is grey" and the latter form would be more 'verbose'.
andersfeder: Comments on the above sent to anders@feder.dk appreciated
bblfish: in N3 you can write: "grey" is color of cat:A, cat:B, cat:C, cat:D .
bblfish: in Turtle you would first define the inverse of "color" using owl:inverseOf .
bblfish: I think that the following is true: if you have a list cat:list = ( catA cat:B cat:C cat:D ) then you could write: cat:list owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :color; owl:hasValue "white" ] .
andersfeder: Comments on the above sent to anders@feder.dk appreciated
bblfish: in N3 you can write: "grey" is color of cat:A, cat:B, cat:C, cat:D .
bblfish: in Turtle you would first define the inverse of "color" using owl:inverseOf .
bblfish: I think that the following is true: if you have a list cat:list = ( catA cat:B cat:C cat:D ) then you could write: cat:list owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :color; owl:hasValue "white" ] .
dajobe: spqr protocol for querying romans
earle: SELECT name FROM populusque WHERE romanes EUNT domus