DanC: "SMW has various interfaces to directly export data to other systems. In addition to the long-standing RDF/XML export, we now also have iCal support"
danbri: Nearby: mail thread
danbri: Nearby: mail thread
danbri: Posted as Henry mentioned he was looking at Cwm/maths
danbri: Is this still state of the art? Implemented? Works well? What's the interaction with OWL 2.0?
kidehen: Demo Subject: Microsoft
kidehen: Based on XBRL instance doc: http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/789019/000119312508089475/0001193125-08-089475-index.htm
kidehen: passed through Virtuoso Sponger Cartridge (RDFizer) for XBRL
kidehen: XBRL Ontology project home: http://groups.google.com/group/xbrl-ontology-specification-group