HarryH: | In Defense of Ambiguity: a philosophical take on the identity issue on the SemWeb
bblfish: RESTful, Resource Oriented, Hyperdata powered authentication protocol that is simpler than OpenId
danbri: Microsoft researcher on an age-old semweb issue; qualifying statements. I was talking with Damian about this just yesterday too.
danbri: I wonder whether named graphs address enough of these 'qualify the triples' use cases
danbri: eg. write assertions about the rdf/xml or data source, so they can be matched in SPARQL GRAPH queries
timbl: I added a "just use N3" comment : Just use Notation3. You don't need to add lots more columns to your triple, once subgraphs become first class objects. Then they can be the subject (and/or object) or arbitrary statements. <21401781-24ec-4b36-8dc7-b9fca72c2e3d.aspx> dc:creator <#Savas>; dc:date "2008-03-26"; ex:whenPublished { <#Savas> foaf:organization <#MSFT>; geo:basedNear dbpedia:Seattle}.
danbri: I wonder whether named graphs address enough of these 'qualify the triples' use cases
danbri: eg. write assertions about the rdf/xml or data source, so they can be matched in SPARQL GRAPH queries
timbl: I added a "just use N3" comment : Just use Notation3. You don't need to add lots more columns to your triple, once subgraphs become first class objects. Then they can be the subject (and/or object) or arbitrary statements. <21401781-24ec-4b36-8dc7-b9fca72c2e3d.aspx> dc:creator <#Savas>; dc:date "2008-03-26"; ex:whenPublished { <#Savas> foaf:organization <#MSFT>; geo:basedNear dbpedia:Seattle}.
kidehen: They call it "Semantic Web Light", beats me, but they are coming around, albeit gradually :-)
mahound: here is the original blog post
mahound: here is the original blog post
dajobe: so RDF/JSON output can be more easily embedded and called from inside javascript
dajobe: more on the triplr when page
dajobe: more on the triplr when page
danbri: Re doc authoring/editing
danbri: Discussion w.r.t. best map for Google's SG API
danbri: The FOAF stuff also now updated to use Raptor
danja: "...picking RDF as the basis for web-wide service discovery is a hard sell. So is SOAP or other existing descriptor formats. XRDS has the advantage of already breaking through the XRI/OASIS world and being adopted by the OpenID community. It has momentum."
danja: "...yes, we can potentially drop XRDS-Simple and pick a whole other solution"
danja: (I just got into some fairly unproductive arguments over there - managed to give the impression I was pressing for RDF/XML when I was really only aiming for GRDDL + some tweaks to make the stuff more WebArch-friendly)