timbl: See also machine-readable incomplete list at http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2007/wiki/Projects.rdf#OpenLinkedDataProject
danja_: online copy of Sci Am piece
sbp: phennowl is an RDF enabled IRC bot running on #swig, written by lordi.
sbp: It uses Phenny for the IRC bit and Pellet for the RDF bit.
sbp: Quoth lordi, “.kbload <url> loads rdf or N3 ontology, .kbquery <query> makes a sparql query, .kbadd <n3> adds N3 statements, .kbinfo lists loaded ontologies”
sbp: e.g. .kbquery select ?x ?y { ?x foaf:name ?y . FILTER(regex(str(?y), "bot", "i")) }
sbp: Cf. sparqlbot (currently running on Freenode), and crschmidt's old Julie.
sbp: Suggestion: SemanticBots on the ESW Wiki?
sbp: It uses Phenny for the IRC bit and Pellet for the RDF bit.
sbp: Quoth lordi, “.kbload <url> loads rdf or N3 ontology, .kbquery <query> makes a sparql query, .kbadd <n3> adds N3 statements, .kbinfo lists loaded ontologies”
sbp: e.g. .kbquery select ?x ?y { ?x foaf:name ?y . FILTER(regex(str(?y), "bot", "i")) }
sbp: Cf. sparqlbot (currently running on Freenode), and crschmidt's old Julie.
sbp: Suggestion: SemanticBots on the ESW Wiki?
sbp: Accidentally chumped by phennowl.
sbp: Accidentally chumped by phennowl.