captsolo: from an ExpertFinder workshop presentation
captsolo: The dataset is intended as a testbed for developing and benchmarking ExpertFinder algorithms and techniques and is an integrated merged dataset of DBLP, CiteSeer and FOAF data.
captsolo: in RDF N-Triples and N-Quads formats
captsolo: The dataset is intended as a testbed for developing and benchmarking ExpertFinder algorithms and techniques and is an integrated merged dataset of DBLP, CiteSeer and FOAF data.
captsolo: in RDF N-Triples and N-Quads formats
chimezie: Though the topic is about biomedical informatics, his criticism of the use of 'concepts' instead of 'classes' applies to all ontologies and seems to directly apply to the use of skos:Concept
chimezie: The distinction being between archetypes of real world objects (classes and 'universals') and of mental models ('concepts')
chimezie: Also related Towards a Reference Terminology for Ontology Research and Development in the Biomedical Domain