Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

Welcome to the Semantic Web Interest Group scratchpad generated automatically from discussions on IRC at Freenode channel #swig 2001-2018 approx by the chump bot.

Nearby: IRC logs | semantic-web list | W3C Wiki (Recent changes) | delicious swigbot

last updated at 2006-03-02 17:02
libby: add yours! gwarn!
libby: rdf version of the page
libby: if you liked that you may also like foaf bulletin board thanks to leigh dodds from whom I nicked the idea
libby: you can do a facetted browse of the data using HP's SWED portal
EliasT: A few notes regarding the SPARQL+JSON demo given at SWIG 2006
DanC_lap: my objection to the way WSDL does URIs for components
EliasT: |Typesafe, Ontology Driven RDF Access from Java
LeeF: jastor objects on top of Jena models
iand: see materials section
RalphS: aka
erim: see also -> for human description
MarkB: Wiki-fied
ericP: DAWG agenda
timbl: RDF diff and patch
timbl: Now uses Sesame and uses RDF, Henry Story added this to James Gosling's code
FabGandon: (pdf file)
DanC_lap: "First HCLSIG F2F Meeting well-attended by 60 participants."
libby: (powerpoint file)
DanC_lap: 13 Feb 2006 to
DanC_lap: discusses aboutEachPrefix and log:uri
Created by the Daily Chump bot. Hosted by PlanetRDF.