chimezie: "The purpose of this document is to serve as a companion to the Versa specification. It is written explicitly for readers with little to no experience in reading a formal [query] language specification. "
chimezie: It is also geared for readers with little experience with the RDF data model and no experience with it's associated serialization syntaxes (Turtle,RDF/XML,N3,NTriples). It tries to focus mainly on the most fundamental aspects of Versa and RDF graph querying in general (as well as those similar to SPARQL and XPath)
chimezie: It is also geared for readers with little experience with the RDF data model and no experience with it's associated serialization syntaxes (Turtle,RDF/XML,N3,NTriples). It tries to focus mainly on the most fundamental aspects of Versa and RDF graph querying in general (as well as those similar to SPARQL and XPath)