Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

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last updated at 2005-04-14 20:21
sbp: bristling with diploma work ideas!
DOAP descriptions of SPARQL implementations (200+ point bounty)
DanC: I offer a 200 point bounty for formalizing the info in SparqlImplementations
DanC: plus 10 points for each case where you can get the project maintainers themselves to host and maintain the description of their own project
crschmidt: Redland's DOAP description is , which mentions that it allows models to be "queried", although there doesn't seem to be a seperate one for rasqal
DanC: and another 50 points for a blarticle on how to search for, say, sparql implementations in javascript, using one of the online sparql services
DanC: hmm... does DOAP include a relationship between code and a spec?
crschmidt: Oh yeah, I was working on this, before DanC distracted me with julie: some DOAP files describing those projects, but I don't have an "implements SPARQL" property for them, so querying isn't trivial
crschmidt: Includes readme: with this, anyone with recent Redland+RedlandPython can install a local FOAFnaut
crschmidt: Not neccesarily the most complete or up to date version of FOAFnaut code, just one that I grabbed from Jim's site
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