Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

Welcome to the Semantic Web Interest Group scratchpad generated automatically from discussions on IRC at Freenode channel #swig 2001-2018 approx by the chump bot.

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last updated at 2005-03-23 17:04
dajobe: I'm going to www2005 (Tokyo), time to think of things to do
dajobe: sparql demo things? rdf, xml and joining with sparql? YA-redland thing?
jsled: Overview coverage of semweb, Semantic Technology Conference
jsled: Yes, indeed, this is a repost.
jsled: [from Mar 9th]
jsled: /me fades into the background.
danbri: Reports on a recent lecture by Nigel Shadbolt.
danbri: "Imagine clicking on a low point on an oil production graph to launch a web search that threw up only strictly relevant information including news stories about the Iraq war and reports on everything from international economy to effects on wildlife. This is a far cry from searching for ‘oil’ and getting hits ranging from car engines to massage services..."
danbri: "...and it is already reality among researchers developing what is known as the semantic web."
danbri: Nice usage scenario. Aside: searching swoogle for "oil" also finds stuff about Ontology Inference Layer.
danbri: From Feb 11. I'd not noticed this spec before, to be honest. They employ their own notation for inference rules to represent mathematically the details of XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0.
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