erim: some early previous work on UML in RDF from Sergey Melnik
aliman: A collection of attributes for layering RDF on XML languages
bandri2: (Not actually a W3C Note; it just looks like one... I think we need a style sheet for these increasingly ubiquitous "editors drafts"...)
Fabien: Editors are Mark Birbeck and Steven Pemberton
bandri2: (Not actually a W3C Note; it just looks like one... I think we need a style sheet for these increasingly ubiquitous "editors drafts"...)
Fabien: Editors are Mark Birbeck and Steven Pemberton
bandri2: see also European Coordination Committee on Human Rights Documentation news pages...
bandri2: see also European Coordination Committee on Human Rights Documentation news pages...
aliman: Editor's draft, should go to first public working draft soon
aliman: Editor's draft, should go to first public working draft soon
aliman: Editor's draft, should go to first public working draft very soon
Fabien: Working Draft In Preparation by Alistair Miles as part of the activity of Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group
erim: presented by Bijan Parsia
danja: if anyone at the meet mentions anything vaguely grid-related please ping me :-)
aliman_: Course tutor is David Duce
aliman_: teaching material used to be public online, but just recently restricted to students only :(
aliman_: teaching material used to be public online, but just recently restricted to students only :(
crschmidt: presented by Chris Bizer
danbri: (Chris Bizer)
danbri: (Chris Bizer)
Fabien: Welkin graph-based RDF visualizer
Fabien: Longwell, a suite of web-based RDF browsers
Fabien: Piggy-Bank, a Firefox extension to let users collect and browse "semantic data" from ordinary web pages