Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

Welcome to the Semantic Web Interest Group scratchpad generated automatically from discussions on IRC at Freenode channel #swig 2001-2018 approx by the chump bot.

Nearby: IRC logs | semantic-web list | W3C Wiki (Recent changes) | delicious swigbot

last updated at 2004-10-28 15:09
larsbot: A short guide to using the Omnigator (a topic map browser) to browse any RDF.
DanC: was originally written for our own business purposes (international shipping of our software) and does not claim to be definitive, complete, systematic, or unopinionated
DanC: reminds me of djb's guide to internet mail format and the sources of the tz database
Created by the Daily Chump bot. Hosted by PlanetRDF.