teefal: download at http://storymill.net, for use with "1st FOAF Bingo" (program uses RDF)
reagleBRKLN: not really an RSS, but an update to scripts for using a mindmap as your bibliographic source (with conversion to bibtex and OO.org)
danbri: They apparently ftp://w3c:w3c@ftp3.xml.org.cn/Pub/DC2004 EricM's presentation.
danbri: They apparently [ftp://w3c:w3c@ftp3.xml.org.cn/Pub/DC2004 videoed and taped] EricM's http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardID=2&ID=10751 presentation.
danbri: They apparently [ftp://w3c:w3c@ftp3.xml.org.cn/Pub/DC2004 videoed and taped] EricM's http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardID=2&ID=10751 presentation.