Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

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last updated at 2004-06-08 20:50
bryceb: CloCkWeRX's efforts to glean FoaF data from phpbb.
danbri_dna: Of interest re flashcards, language learning and images as illustrations attached to lexical dbs
jhendler: Mindswap photo markup example
jhendler: links are live, feel free to browse (we have a lot of cleanup to do, but we're getting closer...)
jhendler: note that the person who entered the photo annotation claimed that this was a person, not a dog, so the photos do help...
libby: create sentences using symbols (I think)
mortenf: Note typo, should have been dcterms:spatial, not dc:spatial (which is dc:coverage)
danbri_dna: Especially see figure 1.1 where the same sequence is shown in Dutch words, Bliss, PCS, Pictogram and Beta symbols.
chaalsMAD: Often people will change the abstract symbol for "i" to a photo of themselves
ndw: Norm's tool to add metadata automatically to a small directory of images
DanC: seems to use image-rules.n3
DanC: reminds me... str:scrape really should grok more than one () group
libby: more beer not clipped
libby: Morten's mail summarising it (may have changed slightly)
libby: more readable version
libby: Image hasRegion Rectangle (described as x,y coords)
libby: ccords is a bit confusing, esp for circles, elipses - "some numbers to do with a shape"
libby: top left is 0,0: TODO - document this
libby: TODO - clarify what the numbers mean (if pixels or if as Jim prefers, not)
libby: why do we have circles? polygons and rectangles would ahve made coordinates more consistent
libby: possibly (morten) we used what imagemaps exported
libby: TODO look at the relationship beteeen imagemaps and this vocab
libby: TODO - jim wants path - to do more complex shapes
danbri_dna: suggestions from madrid meeting [to take to an irc meeting, mailing list etc?]: include/use svg (or bits of svg) rather than grow more svg-esque features; use different properties for the different coord syntaxes; make sure covers all capabilities of HTML imagemaps; suggestion to add centre point info.
JibberJim: Consider "area" property so RDF searches can be done such as "find me an image in which 50% of is Chaals"
bengee: info about point of origin now added to doc
libby: ah, looks like mindswap tools use ovals and circles
libby: as an example of a really great piece of documenting a vocabulary
JibberJim: demo's custom blubs keyed off rdf:Type rather than just having people.
mortenf: only gives me a red circle...
JibberJim: That's a blub of an "unknown" type, click on it and you'll see if it's a person or a conference.
mortenf: Ah...
Thinking about next steps / focus
danbri: So several of us doing path outlines work, a few implementations. Maybe focus on bringing them up to date, using latest version of regionvocab + exif in rdf? opensrc, zero-install (html+dom and svg) to encourage mass annotation?
image annotation tools (a list form the whiteboard yesterday)
libby: foaf codepiction path finder
danbri: more co-depiction writeup.
libby: Jim's tools (fixme)
libby: morten's tools
libby: flights and faces - Jim, Cedric, Florent
libby: MIA project - Multimedia Information & Analysis - image annotation tool - several slots for different aspects of image. Also a textual description.
libby: Amaya/Annotea
libby: foafnaut
libby: Tidepool/storymill annotation tools
libby: masahide kanzaki's image annotation tools
libby_: Qbic - image search based on colours and shapes
libby_: - thingy - general rdf tools, schema creation. also database of photos and simple descriptions
libby: RDFAuthor, isaviz
libby: protege
libby: any html imagemap editor -> XSLT -> RDF
libby: possibly some rss clients can display images
libby_: mindswap 'friend-of-a-terrorist' demo - a java app for annotating (parts of) photos using arbitrary ontologies
libby_: fotonotes - user-centric parts of images - stories; w3photo, similar - more semantic
libby: matt biddulph's image annotation bot and rss channels showing wordnet images
libby: RDFpic
libby: wh4 bot
libby: foafbot
libby: flicker, hosted tools
libby: Dan Connolly's travel tools
libby: iphoto - mac photo organisation tool. Stores its data as XML. started some discussion about this
libby: favicons, contacts
libby: flashcards, relationship to SKOS
dajobe: and a few more notes made at the meeting (correcting libby)
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