bblfish: refers to helpful conversation on #rdfig
bblfish: A Semantic Compressor is a member of the set of algorithms that takes semantics into account when compressing a model
bblfish: As opposed to tools like gzip or zip that only compress on machine discovered patterns in the data
bblfish: the term was allready used here
bblfish: As opposed to tools like gzip or zip that only compress on machine discovered patterns in the data
bblfish: the term was allready used here
zool: this is a first attempt at turning the geo workspace doc into IETF lingo
zool: feedback and refinements apprec; i would love to have this in a state to show the geopriv crowd by the end of the week
zool: perhaps i am dreaming
zool: feedback and refinements apprec; i would love to have this in a state to show the geopriv crowd by the end of the week
zool: perhaps i am dreaming