Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

Welcome to the Semantic Web Interest Group scratchpad generated automatically from discussions on IRC at Freenode channel #swig 2001-2018 approx by the chump bot.

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last updated at 2003-11-07 20:49
DanC: what venue?
jhendler: Computer Science and Telecommunications Board meeting - IT and Competitiveness, planning meeting
DanC: aka CSTB. chair: Dave Clark
jhendler: worth noting that this isn't the same as him saying it at a public meeting
jhendler: but a step in the right direction
jhendler: but please note - he said this in a context as an individual, not representing IBM official position in any way
danbri: Comments to www-rdf-rules please.
danbri: See draft for details. Thanks!
sbp: "Jan 2003 - Group Formation" - is that a typo or is this just old? this group should've been chartered back then, though...
dajobe: continued from yesterday - Raptor, RIO, 3store, Euler
dajobe: now includes Surnia results
sandro: And now actually including 3store, and with new results from RIO/sesame, and no Surnia runs on things it's not ready for (datatypes).
dajobe: the rdfcore wg has discovered a couple of charmod-literal error test cases are withdrawn, test suite to be updated
dajobe: that is rdf-charmod-literals/error001 and rdf-charmod-literals/error002 will be withdrawn
ericP: quick hack, might be useful
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