chaalsNCE: Delivered via text chat - the log is now available
chaalsNCE: A bot could pick up a command to add a description to an image
chaalsNCE: Or part of an image, as in JibberJim's Shared SVG Whiteboard
chaalsNCE: This would allow collaborative annotation rather than require one person do all the work
chaalsNCE: Or part of an image, as in JibberJim's Shared SVG Whiteboard
chaalsNCE: This would allow collaborative annotation rather than require one person do all the work
libby: spotted by Danny Ayres
libby: very useful summary for English-speakers, even though mostly in Japanese
libby: also sent around rdfweb-dev recently
libby: very useful summary for English-speakers, even though mostly in Japanese
libby: also sent around rdfweb-dev recently
DanC_jam: Austin Tate and I just chatted about the relevance of some of his work to W3C process modelling
DanC_jam: ah... I-X: Technology for Intelligent Systems seems to be the java software to supplement jabber that he mentioned
DanC_jam: limited release license
DanC_jam: hmm... can't find screenshots
DanC_jam: poster has some screenshot-ish stuff, but it's hard to see on a laptop screen.
DanC_jam: ah... I-X: Technology for Intelligent Systems seems to be the java software to supplement jabber that he mentioned
DanC_jam: limited release license
DanC_jam: hmm... can't find screenshots
DanC_jam: poster has some screenshot-ish stuff, but it's hard to see on a laptop screen.
DanC_jam: September 30th, 2003, Boley & Tabet
DanC_jam: hm... analagous to N3 (or: the basic horn part of N3)
DanC_jam: hm... analagous to N3 (or: the basic horn part of N3)