danbri_dna: Folk seem to be talking about CPAN metadata again... dug this out.
zoyd: Classes by Popularity
bwm: RDFCore 2nd last call announcement
JimH_: given at WWW 2003
JimH_: chumped for later reference
JimH_: The W3C Semantic Web Activity - May 2003 Overview
JimH_: chumped for later reference
JimH_: The W3C Semantic Web Activity - May 2003 Overview
earle: I found DanC's media type draft but it seems a bit old.
libby: any answers here please :)
DanC: draft-swartz-rdfcore-rdfxml-mediatype-03 seems to be current. (found by following my nose thru the issues list and such)
libby: any answers here please :)
DanC: draft-swartz-rdfcore-rdfxml-mediatype-03 seems to be current. (found by following my nose thru the issues list and such)