libby: relatedly: SWAD-Europe WP8, theasauri
libby: seealso A Thesaurus Interchange Format for the Semantic Web by Alistair Miles
libby: discussion on #rdfig
libby: seealso A Thesaurus Interchange Format for the Semantic Web by Alistair Miles
libby: discussion on #rdfig
libby: attending - Libby Miller, Damian Steer, Jim Ley, Kal Ahmed, Morten Frederiksen, Nick Gibbin, Sean Palmer, Dave Beckett
libby: libby's photos
mof-alice: morten's photos
JibberJim: Jim's photos (purely to joing the chumping extravaganza!)
mof-alice: seeAlso the day before and the day before that
libby: libby's photos
mof-alice: morten's photos
JibberJim: Jim's photos (purely to joing the chumping extravaganza!)
mof-alice: seeAlso the day before and the day before that
libby: #rdfig discussion