Semantic Web Interest Group IRC Scratchpad

Welcome to the Semantic Web Interest Group scratchpad generated automatically from discussions on IRC at Freenode channel #swig 2001-2018 approx by the chump bot.

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last updated at 2003-05-08 19:11
danbri: and other cliches.
danbri: And some try to carve the world into sixteen types, which is of course silly. But the cartoon categories aren't totally divorced from reality...
sandro: Newly on the required reading list for hackers.
DanC: rechump
sandro: One Thesis: Sketching is a good way to program.
sandro: I blogged it because (1) it was a joy to read and (2) i think every hacker should be familiar with this argument. I'm sorry if you're so familiar with it you can't stand to hear it again.......
danbri: It's not an argument...
danbri: But don't let my griping put you off posting stuff you find interesting!
danbri: I've written suggesting use of namespaces already. Mark Davis seemed to think was a good idea, is raising it with the group who work on this (whoever they are).
danbri: I'd have suggested RDF too, but from a quick read, there appears to be some mention of defaulting mechanisms, so RDFizing might be non-trivial.
XML Europe 2003 foo
DanC: incl XMLEurope 2003 Talk Slides in hackdiary
libby: some photos and some more photos
zool: also collaborative mapping in RDF talk slides
libby: photos from today
danbri: "PARIS An experiment is under way in Paris that aims to turn the city into one huge Wi-Fi hot spot, making it what could be the first large wireless city in the world."
zool: then the rationale of playing noderunner would be obviated; everybody wins
danbri: ...and the terminology and confusion some folks have with RDF 'vs' RDFS, OWL, OWL Lite, OWL DL, OWL Full etc.
danbri: In reverse chronological order.
danbri: On 'good practice' (who would dare say 'best' ;-) for RSS newsfeed deployment, oriented towards an * audience. Several handy tips. Recommended.
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