libby: feel free to suggest some more...
libby: by adding them to the wiki
DanC: let's announce scheduled chats by email, OK? use www-rdf-interest for this one?
libby: the meeting is at 2003-04-16, 1400UTC
libby: by adding them to the wiki
DanC: let's announce scheduled chats by email, OK? use www-rdf-interest for this one?
libby: the meeting is at 2003-04-16, 1400UTC
danbri: "An employee of a Member organization. [...] An individual who is not an employee of a Member organization in which case ... The request to join must indicate that the nominee wishes to participate as an invited expert "
danbri: Compare, RDFIG charter, "Any person interested in the application of or extensions to the Resource Description Framework is eligible to participate in this Interest Group; W3C Membership is not a prerequisite."
danbri: Am investigating...