danb_offsick: DAML Joint Committee/RuleML Working Draft 24 February 2003
danb_offsick: "Transitive n-ary relations. OWL supports n-ary relations and transitive binary relations, but not transitive n-ary relations. "
danb_offsick: I didn't know OWL supported n-ary...
danb_offsick: "Transitive n-ary relations. OWL supports n-ary relations and transitive binary relations, but not transitive n-ary relations. "
danb_offsick: I didn't know OWL supported n-ary...
DanC: some swap/cwm tutorial stuff on log:includes, log:notIncludes, defaults, self-answering questions, and the like
DanC: I scanned it; I intend to fix some typos and such
DanC: I scanned it; I intend to fix some typos and such
DanC: been on my wish-list for a while