danbri: And my attempt at an answer...
RDF boosters really need to learn that creepy, smiley and vaguely stunned-looking ideograms aren't going to go very far in convincing or reassuring the skeptics.
sandro: Depends which skeptics, I bet. Creepy, smiley and vaguely stunned-looking ideologues seem to win elections.
danbri: Missed the announcement (must be in my spamtrap) but this looks pretty interesting...
danbri: BTW looks like they're hiring...
danbri: "If you really want to impress us, you could send us your resume in RDF or build a small application that leverages the Semantic Web!"
danbri: BTW looks like they're hiring...
danbri: "If you really want to impress us, you could send us your resume in RDF or build a small application that leverages the Semantic Web!"
DanC: Gordon Mohr presented to TWIST, 7/16/98
DanC: also: WhoDP: Widely Hosted Object Data Protocol internet draft from '98
DanC: hmm... whodp is the presence protocol, not the chat protocol. That's PeerCP... hmm...
DanC: seems PeerCP was disucussed/presented at an Oct '99 IMPP meeting
DanC: also: WhoDP: Widely Hosted Object Data Protocol internet draft from '98
DanC: hmm... whodp is the presence protocol, not the chat protocol. That's PeerCP... hmm...
DanC: seems PeerCP was disucussed/presented at an Oct '99 IMPP meeting
jaseb: Just wondering what the rdfig world would think about such an addition?
jaseb: danbri mentioned something about Moveable Type doing something like this already.
danbri: Related? movable type / foaf stuff on benhammersley's site and sixapart.
jaseb: danbri mentioned something about Moveable Type doing something like this already.
danbri: Related? movable type / foaf stuff on benhammersley's site and sixapart.
DanC: hmm... jabber doesn't have serverless chat rooms? sigh.
DanC: I wish activerse's technology hadn't disappeared.
DanC: with activerse's thingy, it was all serverless. completely p2p. Well, there was a "who's online?" server/service, but chat traffic didn't involve it.
DanC: I wish activerse's technology hadn't disappeared.
DanC: with activerse's thingy, it was all serverless. completely p2p. Well, there was a "who's online?" server/service, but chat traffic didn't involve it.
danbri: I'm interested to learn about Jabber adoption amongst RDF IG folks, esp IRC users. Can you comment in this entry on whether you are regular, occasional or neverever user of Jabber.
danbri: eg: danbri - very occasional Jabber user, but I forget my account details and have never found critical mass.
danbri: see jabber software foundation site for more context on Jabber (an XML-based messaging protocol, potential IRC replacement...).
deltab: Never used it, except to test a client I helped develop.
jaseb: No I just tend to stick with IRC. Not interested in Jabber.... never had the need to.
Wack: Running a jabber server and have been using jabber for quite some time now (jid: wackin@jabber.angelite.nl)
Wack: Because of the server sided storage of contactlist and chatlogs, support for msn/icq and the plethora of clients
inkel: I like Jabber, but I think IRC is better. Jabber is an excellent technology for P2P, and IRC is excellent for multiuser chats.
Morbus: Myself, I'm not a fan of Jabber. Whilst I think it's a great idea, it'll never become anything more than a geek playground.
Morbus: It's too complicated for normal people to use, for one.
danbri: Intrinsically more so than, say, AIM?
Morbus: And sure, there's lot of "geek support" for it, but no major player (oreilly.com, etc.) has stepped up to host a server, meaning we either get a dev server that breaks all the time, or a "stable" server that is running only a few services.
Morbus: (Note, these comments are based on what I know from a year ago. If Jabber has improved in the past year, no one I know has mentioned it. Which goes back to the "geeks playground" thing.)
danbri: Hence this poll... I'm soliciting mentions!
Morbus: More so than AIM? Yes. Jabber produces its own clients, but not for every OS available. Which means, for OS X, the only Jabber you've got is open source, not-full, sucky implementations.
Morbus: Last I checked, the only "decent" client for Win32, the largest IM user base, was WinJab, which had the most horrible GUI imaginable.
Morbus: It'd never be something that normal people use.
danbri: The big win with IRC, for me, is that there are lots of interesting communities that use Freenode channels, and I can pop in to visit them as easily as typing /join #debian ...so idea of #rdfig moved to Jabber solo, without solid Jabber/IRC bridging, doesn't imho fly.
Morbus: And I'm really basing everything on normal people - its great for geeks. But not for mundanes.
Morbus: See my matching comments from 2001, around the last time I checked into Jabber: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/syndication/message/2217
Morbus: Yeah, I like IRC a lot. Generally speaking, when I'm looking for help on an OSI product, I can /join #productname and usually find someone useful.
Morbus: Integration of IRC with IM, which is a "good idea", imo, has so far been shoddy. Trillian does it real well (I'm using Trillian now), but Fire on OS X does a lackluster job.
Morbus: Chatzilla is becoming pretty decent, but the Netscape/(AIM|ICQ)? sidebar panel is so far removed from normal use that few people know it's there.
Morbus: I think it only shows up in the AOL Branded Netscape anyway.
DanC: I occasionally use gaim, which has jabber support. I think I actually tried it once.
DanC: for OS/X, check out Fire. It's Open Source and doesn't seem to suck.
Morbus: Proteus also supports Jabber under OS X - I prefer it over Fire.
inkel: http://psi.sf.net/ is a nice Jabber client, I test it in WinXP and Debian and it works fine
AaronSw: very occasional; clients are rather inconvenient and few other users i'm interested in talking to
danbri: eg: danbri - very occasional Jabber user, but I forget my account details and have never found critical mass.
danbri: see jabber software foundation site for more context on Jabber (an XML-based messaging protocol, potential IRC replacement...).
deltab: Never used it, except to test a client I helped develop.
jaseb: No I just tend to stick with IRC. Not interested in Jabber.... never had the need to.
Wack: Running a jabber server and have been using jabber for quite some time now (jid: wackin@jabber.angelite.nl)
Wack: Because of the server sided storage of contactlist and chatlogs, support for msn/icq and the plethora of clients
inkel: I like Jabber, but I think IRC is better. Jabber is an excellent technology for P2P, and IRC is excellent for multiuser chats.
Morbus: Myself, I'm not a fan of Jabber. Whilst I think it's a great idea, it'll never become anything more than a geek playground.
Morbus: It's too complicated for normal people to use, for one.
danbri: Intrinsically more so than, say, AIM?
Morbus: And sure, there's lot of "geek support" for it, but no major player (oreilly.com, etc.) has stepped up to host a server, meaning we either get a dev server that breaks all the time, or a "stable" server that is running only a few services.
Morbus: (Note, these comments are based on what I know from a year ago. If Jabber has improved in the past year, no one I know has mentioned it. Which goes back to the "geeks playground" thing.)
danbri: Hence this poll... I'm soliciting mentions!
Morbus: More so than AIM? Yes. Jabber produces its own clients, but not for every OS available. Which means, for OS X, the only Jabber you've got is open source, not-full, sucky implementations.
Morbus: Last I checked, the only "decent" client for Win32, the largest IM user base, was WinJab, which had the most horrible GUI imaginable.
Morbus: It'd never be something that normal people use.
danbri: The big win with IRC, for me, is that there are lots of interesting communities that use Freenode channels, and I can pop in to visit them as easily as typing /join #debian ...so idea of #rdfig moved to Jabber solo, without solid Jabber/IRC bridging, doesn't imho fly.
Morbus: And I'm really basing everything on normal people - its great for geeks. But not for mundanes.
Morbus: See my matching comments from 2001, around the last time I checked into Jabber: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/syndication/message/2217
Morbus: Yeah, I like IRC a lot. Generally speaking, when I'm looking for help on an OSI product, I can /join #productname and usually find someone useful.
Morbus: Integration of IRC with IM, which is a "good idea", imo, has so far been shoddy. Trillian does it real well (I'm using Trillian now), but Fire on OS X does a lackluster job.
Morbus: Chatzilla is becoming pretty decent, but the Netscape/(AIM|ICQ)? sidebar panel is so far removed from normal use that few people know it's there.
Morbus: I think it only shows up in the AOL Branded Netscape anyway.
DanC: I occasionally use gaim, which has jabber support. I think I actually tried it once.
DanC: for OS/X, check out Fire. It's Open Source and doesn't seem to suck.
Morbus: Proteus also supports Jabber under OS X - I prefer it over Fire.
inkel: http://psi.sf.net/ is a nice Jabber client, I test it in WinXP and Debian and it works fine
AaronSw: very occasional; clients are rather inconvenient and few other users i'm interested in talking to
danbri: "In this article, I want to show you how to build and run a search engine using a vector-space model, an alternative to reverse index lookup that does not require a database, or indeed any file storage at all. Vector-space search engines eliminate many of the disadvantages of keyword search without introducing too many disadvantages of their own. Best of all, you can get one up and running in just a few dozen lines of Perl."
danbri: Concludes with ideas for further extension, "Incorporating Metadata: If your documents have metadata descriptors (dates, categories, author names), then you can build those in to the vector model. Just add a slot for each category, like you did for your keywords, and apply whatever kind of weighting you desire."
danbri: Concludes with ideas for further extension, "Incorporating Metadata: If your documents have metadata descriptors (dates, categories, author names), then you can build those in to the vector model. Just add a slot for each category, like you did for your keywords, and apply whatever kind of weighting you desire."