larsbot: ISO has created a mailing list for discussing the TMCL constraint language for topic maps
larsbot: currently debating the requirements for the language
larsbot: one important item is the relationship to OWL...
larsbot: currently debating the requirements for the language
larsbot: one important item is the relationship to OWL...
DanC: odd... RDF concepts cites charmod informatively, not normatively.
DanC: I'm reviewing it with larch glasses on, updating RDFAbSyn.lsl
DanC: didn't I have a larch trait for charmod? ah... only really, really old ones (like '95)
DanC: specification of literals is goofy... "A literal in an RDF graph contains three components called: ... The datatype URI being an RDF URI reference. ... A plain literal is one in which the datatype URI is absent." Hello? you just told me every literal has one.
DanC: yes... n-triples literal spec looks right...
DanC: either 6.3 Graph Equality needs to say it's defining an equivalence relation or the definition of graph needs to be something other than 'a set of triples'. Two sets of triples are identical iff they contain the same triples, after all.
DanC: perhaps a graph is an equivalence class of sets of triples.