mdupont: Netfluid is working on a abstract secure server tech
DanC: hmm... I can't find the actual DAML bits. lots of lisp/kif stuff...
DanC: ah... Time.daml
DanC: uses a datypes idiom that I think I made up, that has fallen by the wayside
DanC: reading the paper now...
DanC: hmm... int-after(T1,T2) <--> after(T1,T2) ... does that mean all TimedEntities are intervals?
DanC: chaals, take note: "Holidays like Easter can be defined in terms of this ontology coupled with an ontology of the phases of the moon."
DanC: ah... Time.daml
DanC: uses a datypes idiom that I think I made up, that has fallen by the wayside
DanC: reading the paper now...
DanC: hmm... int-after(T1,T2) <--> after(T1,T2) ... does that mean all TimedEntities are intervals?
DanC: chaals, take note: "Holidays like Easter can be defined in terms of this ontology coupled with an ontology of the phases of the moon."