sandro: Slides from a talk I gave nearly a year ago, finally made public -- sorry all for the delay.
sbp: "humans can read distorted text as the one shown below but current computer programs can't". Hmm... so visually impaired people would be classed as computers?
AaronSw: visually impaired people can use the sound one. the only problem is deaf-blind people, but I suspect a braille version isn't impossible
sbp: some people aren't haptically sensitive enough to use braille, either. but I suspect you're right: there will be some alternative
AaronSw: visually impaired people can use the sound one. the only problem is deaf-blind people, but I suspect a braille version isn't impossible
sbp: some people aren't haptically sensitive enough to use braille, either. but I suspect you're right: there will be some alternative
DanConn: hope to study this Someday soon